Norwich University CLB
Fall semester 2016 final review of design studio at CityLAB:Berlin of Norwich University with guest crits Gregor Langenbrinck from urbanizers and Mark Jenewein from LOVE architecture&urbanism
OMA Weimar
Refurbishment attic Other Music Academy in Weimar

Book Velo City by Gavin Blyth featuring tokyobike flagship-store in Berlin

House H
Building permit for House H in Berlin-Lichterfelde

House H
Preliminary sketches for House H, a wooden house in Berlin-Lichterfelde

Lecture SLC New York City
Lecture & Guest at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville/NYC, amazing campus and guesthouse

Hallesches Haus General Store
Preliminary design for concept store Hallesches Haus in Berlin-Kreuzberg

Lecture at HWS Geneva/NY
Lecture "Cause and Effect" at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva/NY
Michael Sontag Shop
Just finished: Michael Sontag Shop in Berlin-Kreuzberg, collaboration with Sönke Martensen

OTH Regensburg
Fall semester 2014/15 visiting professor at OTH Regensburg: final review of urban design class
Lecture TU Berlin
Lecture with Andrea Benze about post-war modernism on conference 45+ at Technical University BerlinHouse F
House F2 finally finished

New publication of Apartment 405

House F
Under construction: plaster works
OMA in print, book on sale now:
House F
Building permit for the house in Falkensee
Book out now:Post-War Modern Architecture in Europe

Lecture at DAZ Berlin
Lecture with Andrea Benze on utopian ideas in post-war modernistic urbanism organized by failed architecture research group at DAZ
Short summary: On the third day architects and lecturers Christian Dengler and Andrea Benze looked at the many ways in which the NKZ has been perceived over the past few decades. Initially, the design was met with great enthusiasm by virtually each and everyone in West Berlin, but when in 1974 the first tenants and shop owners moved, the complex was already much derided. As Johannes Uhl had already pointed out, this was mainly due to the decision to not realize all the initially planned communal spaces and amenities. When a younger generation started to re-evaluate Kreuzberg’s nineteenth-century tenement houses in the 1970s, the NKZ came to be seen as a symbol of everything that was wrong with large-scale urban renewal. The building changed from an utopian beacon into a dystopian nightmare. However, over the last two decades tenants have pragmatically adopted the building’s design for their own purposes. Also, new shops and bars have opened up in spaces that had been running into dereliction for almost than two decades. According to Dengler and Benze, this demonstrates how a large utopian vision can turn into several smaller, more individual expressions of utopianism.
Library HKW Berlin
Construction of new library in HKW Berlin is almost finished: the literature memory is prepared for its purpose: to be filled with books and create a solid and intense spatial heterogeneity
Lecture Superbia Cluj
Superbia: an invitation for lectures and a workshop organized by Atelier MASS in Cluj/Floresti concerning the issues of hyper-urbanisation in the peripheries of Romania. Participants where amongst others studioBASAR and students from Cluj, Bucharest, Sibiu and Constanta
Two newspaper articles about the conference 45+ and the lecture we held at Technical University Berlin: taz and TELEPOLISStrathclyde University Glasgow
Final reviews of this year design projects at Strathclyde University Glasgow
Competition entry Liese Prokop School (Austria) wins mention prize. The design concept provides for the positioning of a 2 to 3-storey longitudinally oriented building in front of the existing buildings. Together with the siting of the gym two clearly separated outdoor spaces will be created. By a new architectural language a different image is created without distancing from the context. The result is a new ensemble with additional qualities
Lecture Strathclyde University Glasgow
Opening lecture for the issue of this year design projects at Strathclyde University Glasgow. Theme is the practice of architecture itself. Panel discussion about what we consider fundamental in our work as practitioner, students and educators. Guests are Ruth Morrow, Queens University, Belfast, Alan Hooper, Macintosh School of Art, Alan Atlee, University of Creative Arts, Canterbury, Cameron Young and Lesley Palmer, Strathclyde University, Glasgow